Saturday, October 18, 2008


Here are some recent things.

I like the leaves.

Not sure anyone else does as much. Especially this one. For some reason I adore it. I really do. I made it look sort of 70's with the processing.

Sunset, yo. Jenny and I walked around St. Joseph's lake, which I don't do very often. In fact, I've never been all the way around it before. I'm glad we did. It was lovely.

This is by Little Flower. I saw the leaves on my way home and knew I had to come back and take pictures. I'm doing all sorts of wonderful things with my macro lens.

Also at Little Flower. I just love the colors.

And lastly, this is outside the house. One of the ash trees. I think that's what they're called.


EC said...

Love the sunset at the lake! Prettttyyyy.

LarryG said...

so much color! those poplar leaves in the green grass.. just off the pavement - wow!
you are excellent...

you have the greatest profile pic!

vixen kitten said...

These are stunning. All of them. The first two are my favorite.
