Monday, December 14, 2009

Little Brother

In order to prepare for more photoshoots with guys, I asked my brother if I could practice on him. The photos turned out great!

Brandon and Paul Senior Picture Shoots

Not used to shooting men. It's a very different experience than with women. I learned a lot. Both of these were end of October at Notre Dame.

Over by South Quad I think.

The Rock. He looks very young and happy here.

Sometimes I get into the high key thing. It worked here.

I liked Brandon's hat. Good accessory.

All close up and emo.

My fave.

Abby and Ava Shoots

Abs is my goddaughter. Ava is a friend's daughter who heard about me through the grapevine. They're both cute little kids. Abby is 2, Ava is 1.

Isn't the hat adorable?

Her smile just lights up her face.

My favorite from the day.


This is Abby. Lookin' a little dubious there.

Running off!

She got so giggly.

A picture I didn't even intend to really take but there it was. I ended up really liking it.